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Labour law

Labour law

We at LEXDIA will successfully guide you through all the problems that arise in the workplace by assisting you with:
  • the resolution of labour law disputes through negotiations and by court order;
  • claiming unpaid wages or benefits due under the Labour Code;
  • protection in the event of a unilateral change in terms of the employment relationship;
  • appeal against illegal dismissal;
  • protection against engaging the property liability of an employee;
  • filing a lawsuit in the event of an occupational accident.

Labour law

Many of the labour law issues that arise in practice and seem complex at first glance can be solved with the help of a lawyer, even sometimes through a single meeting. Our team has extensive experience in resolving labour disputes and solid practice in procedural representation in labour cases in Bulgaria.

A large part of our services are oriented towards employers and aim to ensure the lawful organization of the labour process on the part of the employers, as far as the huge administrative burden of maintaining proper labour records and files falls on them.

The most frequently requested services, which are particularly valuable to employers, and with which we will provide you with the necessary legal assistance, are the following:
  • construction of the overall legal framework of acts of the employer (Rules for the internal labour order, Rules for the structure and organization of the salary, etc.);
  • labour law consultations and drawing up documents for lawful dismissal of employees;
  • drawing up all kinds of orders of the employer and maintaining the employment file;
  • engagement of property liability of employees;
  • conducting disciplinary proceedings and disciplinary dismissal;
  • defense and representation in cases initiated by dismissed and current employees;
  • representation in cases of property sanctions imposed by the Labour Inspectorate.

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